I'm sure many of you have already drooled over this incredible home designed by Anne Hepfer and photographed by Virginia Macdonald, it was featured in House & Home a couple years ago! Last year it was on the market, so a ton more photos of it became available too. And bless her heart, Anne has fabulously large photos on her site! The Georgian-style home in Toronto is filled with soothing colors and comfortable, beautiful furnishings. I cannot decide what I love more: the beautiful living room with the stunning drapes, or the crazy-pretty white kitchen with its fabulous banquette! ALL so gorgeous!! Definitely visit Anne Hepfer next...I know you'll love the rest of her designs too!
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise...updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
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